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Cookies Policy

Cookie Policy

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on a user's device when they visit your website. They serve various purposes, such as improving browsing experience, analytics, and marketing.

Why We Use Cookies:

We use cookies to enhance functionality, analyze traffic, and personalize content for our visitors.

Types of Cookies We Use:

  • Session Cookies: These are temporary and expire after the user leaves the site.
  • Analytics Cookies: These help us understand how users interact with our content.
  • Advertising Cookies: Used for personalized ads.

User Control:

Users can manage cookies through browser settings or opt-out if desired.

Where to Find Our Cookie Policy:

You can find our detailed cookie policy in the footer of our website or on a dedicated cookie policy page.


We'll keep our cookie policy up-to-date as needed.

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